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This plan includes

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  • Working on real world coding projects
  • Get a job as a junior web developer
  • Create your own stunning, layouts for awesome websites
  • Start Coding on Full stack development
  • Master client-end development using JavaScript, back-end development Python with PHP and MySQL
  • Apply JavaScript, Python for data science and PHP Code and MySQL database queries on real-world tasks
  • Create fully function web apps using Python, PHP, MySQL and JavaScript
  • Complete a Full life cycle of a real world web application with hands on sessions

In this course, we will learn the basic tools that every Web developer for Data Science needs to know. We will start from the scratch by learning how to implement modern web development with JavaScript, Python, PHP and MySQL code.


Learn to code JavaScript, Python and PHP is The first step to Coding you need to learn to succeed in web development, it is easy to learn and understand our online JavaScript, Python, PHP and MySQL Training course is designed for you with the complete steps to require learn Complete Developer topics. Mr. Sekhar Metla [MCP - Microsoft Certified Professional] will explain to you even complex topics to simplify and teach you even beginners can easily understand with real-time examples.


At this Coding for Everybody for Data Science Development course is without a doubt the most comprehensive web development course available online. Even if you have zero programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to mastery. Here's why:


The course is taught by the lead instructor having 20+ years of professional experience.


Become a Full-Stack Web Developer with just ONE course. Python, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL database


The course has been updated to be trending technology ready and you'll be learning the latest tools and technologies used at large companies such as Apple, Facebook, Google and Netflix.


The curriculum was developed over a period of four years, with comprehensive student testing and feedback who are working and applying these coding examples.


We've taught many students how to code and many have gone on to change their lives by becoming professional developers or starting their own tech startup.


We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a web developer.


The course includes HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge while making real-world websites and web apps.


Throughout this comprehensive course, we cover a massive amount of tools and technologies, including:


  • Front-End Web Development

  • JavaScript

  • Client-side code

  • Data types

  • DOM objects

  • HTML5 Elements

  • Events

  • On Click response

  • Page events

  • Button events

  • Lightweight pages

  • Automation

  • Client side coding

  • Operators

  • Loop statements

  • Validations

  • and more..


  • Python [Programming for Data Science]

  • Variables

  • Data types

  • Statements

  • Control flow statements

  • Code Development

  • If else statements

  • Loop statements

  • Sequences

  • Sets

  • Dictionaries

  • Lists

  • Tuples

  • KW arguments

  • Games core

  • Functions

  • Advanced Python Coding

  • Object oriented programming [OOPs]

  • Class and Objects

  • Methods

  • Inheritance

  • Polymorphism

  • Access modifies

  • Abstraction

  • Packages

  • Modules

  • Built-in modules

  • Error Handling

  • and more..


  • PHP[Open Source Programming]

  • Variables

  • Data types

  • Statements

  • Control flow statements

  • Code Development

  • Web Design

  • Functions

  • Object oriented programming [OOPs]

  • Class

  • Methods

  • Inheritance

  • Polymorphism

  • CRUD functions

  • Error Handling

  • MySQL

  • Tables

  • SQL

  • SQL Functions

  • Reports

  • and more..

By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming and be ready to make any website you can dream of.

Sign up today, and look forward to:

  • HD Video Lectures

  • Code Challenges and Coding Exercises

  • Beautiful Real-World dynamic Projects

  • No programming experience needed. You will learn everything you need to know
  • No software is required in advance of the course (all software used in the course is free)
  • No pre-knowledge is required - you will learn from basic
  • Beginner JavaScript, Python, PHP and MySQL developers curious about data science development
  • Anyone who wants to generate new income streams
  • Anyone who wants to build websites
  • Anyone who wants to become financially independent
  • Anyone who wants to start their own business or become freelance
  • Anyone who wants to become a Full stack web developer
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  • Section 1 : Introduction 9 Lectures 01:09:17

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Lecture 2 :
    • How to ask great questions
    • Lecture 3 :
    • What is JavaScript
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Hello World Program
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Getting Output
    • Lecture 6 :
    • Internal JavaScript
    • Lecture 7 :
    • External JavaScript
    • Lecture 8 :
    • Inline JavaScript
    • Lecture 9 :
    • Async and defer
  • Section 2 : JavaScript Basics 5 Lectures 00:39:15

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Variables
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Data Types
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Numbers
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Strings
    • Lecture 5 :
    • String Formatting
  • Section 3 : JavaScript Operators 4 Lectures 00:24:12

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Arithmetic operators
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Comparison operators
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Assignment operators
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Logical operators
  • Section 4 : JavaScript Conditional Statements 2 Lectures 00:09:46

    • Lecture 1 :
    • If-else statement
    • Lecture 2 :
    • If-else-if statement
  • Section 5 : JavaScript Control Flow Statements 5 Lectures 00:22:10

    • Lecture 1 :
    • While loop
    • Lecture 2 :
    • For loop
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Do-while loop
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Coding Exercise
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Solution for Coding Exercise
  • Section 6 : JavaScript Functions 3 Lectures 00:19:22

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Creating a Function
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Function Call()
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Function with parameters
  • Section 7 : JavaScript Error Handling 2 Lectures 00:00:00

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Try-catch
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Try-catch-finally
  • Section 8 : JavaScript Client-Side Validations 2 Lectures 00:00:00

    • Lecture 1 :
    • On Submit Validation
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Input Numeric Validation
  • Section 9 : PHP Introduction 5 Lectures 00:33:05

    • Lecture 1 :
    • What is PHP
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Installing XAMPP for PHP, MySQL and Apache
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Installing Code Editor(Visual Studio Code)
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Creating PHP Project on XAMPP
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Hello World Program
  • Section 10 : PHP Basic 9 Lectures 00:43:43

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Variables
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Echo and Print
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Data Types
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Numbers
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Boolean
    • Lecture 6 :
    • Arrays
    • Lecture 7 :
    • Multi-Dimensional Array
    • Lecture 8 :
    • Sorting Arrays
    • Lecture 9 :
    • Constants
  • Section 11 : PHP Strings 5 Lectures 00:19:52

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Strings
    • Lecture 2 :
    • String Formatting
    • Lecture 3 :
    • String Methods
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Coding Exercise
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Solution for Coding Exercise
  • Section 12 : PHP Operators 6 Lectures 00:23:43

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Arithmetic operators
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Assignment operators
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Comparison operators
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Increment – decrement operators
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Logical operators
    • Lecture 6 :
    • Ternary operator
  • Section 13 : PHP Decition making mystem 4 Lectures 00:15:24

    • Lecture 1 :
    • If statement
    • Lecture 2 :
    • If-else statement
    • Lecture 3 :
    • If-elseif-else statement
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Switch-case statement
  • Section 14 : PHP Control flow statements 7 Lectures 00:18:46

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Flow Chart
    • Lecture 2 :
    • While loop
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Do-while loop
    • Lecture 4 :
    • For loop
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Foreach loop
    • Lecture 6 :
    • Coding Exercise
    • Lecture 7 :
    • Solution for Coding Exercise
  • Section 15 : PHP Function 6 Lectures 00:28:03

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Creating a Function
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Function with Arguments
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Default Argument
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Function return values
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Call-by-value
    • Lecture 6 :
    • Call-by-reference
  • Section 16 : PHP Super globals 2 Lectures 00:08:15

    • Lecture 1 :
    • $_POST Method
    • Lecture 2 :
    • $_GET Method
  • Section 17 : PHP Advanced 7 Lectures 00:41:05

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Form Handling
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Date and Time
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Include
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Require
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Sessions
    • Lecture 6 :
    • File Reading
    • Lecture 7 :
    • File Upload
  • Section 18 : PHP Object oriented programming[OOPs] 9 Lectures 00:36:06

    • Lecture 1 :
    • What is OOP
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Class and Objects
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Constructor
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Destructor
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Access Modifiers
    • Lecture 6 :
    • Inheritance
    • Lecture 7 :
    • Method overriding
    • Lecture 8 :
    • Abstract Class
    • Lecture 9 :
    • Interface
  • Section 19 : PHP – MySQL Application [CRUD 7 Lectures 01:02:17

    • Lecture 1 :
    • MySQL Basic PhpMyAdmin
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Creating Database and Table
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Database Connection
    • Lecture 4 :
    • PHP Form Create records
    • Lecture 5 :
    • PHP Form Reading records
    • Lecture 6 :
    • PHP Form Update Data
    • Lecture 7 :
    • PHP Form Delete records
  • Section 20 : PHP Realword code forms 4 Lectures 00:10:02

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Registration Form
    • Lecture 2 :
    • MD5 Algorithm for Encrypting
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Sha Algorithm
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Login Form
  • Section 21 : PHP Validation 5 Lectures 00:13:55

    • Lecture 1 :
    • On Submit Validation
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Input Numeric Validation
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Login Form Validation
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Form Server-side all Data Validation
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Form Server-side Validation
  • Section 22 : PHP Error handling 2 Lectures 00:00:00

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Try-throw-catch
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Try-throw-catch-finally
  • Section 23 : Python Introduction 8 Lectures 00:42:09

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Introduction to Python
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Python vs. Other Languages
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Why Its Popular
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Command Line Basics
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Python Installation (Step By Step)
    • Lecture 6 :
    • PyCharm IDE Installation
    • Lecture 7 :
    • Getting Start PyCharm IDE
    • Lecture 8 :
    • First Python Hello World Program
  • Section 24 : Python Basic 5 Lectures 00:48:18

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Variables
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Data Types
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Type Casting
    • Lecture 4 :
    • User Inputs
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Comments
  • Section 25 : Python Strings 5 Lectures 00:22:47

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Strings
    • Lecture 2 :
    • String Indexing
    • Lecture 3 :
    • String Slicing
    • Lecture 4 :
    • String Built-in Functions
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Formatting String (Dynamic Data)
  • Section 26 : Python Operators 8 Lectures 00:00:00

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Arithmetic Operators
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Assignment Operators
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Comparison Operators
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Logical Operators
    • Lecture 5 :
    • AND Operator
    • Lecture 6 :
    • OR Operator
    • Lecture 7 :
    • NOT Operator
    • Lecture 8 :
    • Booleans
  • Section 27 : Python Data Structures 17 Lectures 00:00:00

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Arrays in Earlier
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Lists
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Add List Items
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Remove List Items
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Sort Lists
    • Lecture 6 :
    • Join Lists
    • Lecture 7 :
    • Tuples
    • Lecture 8 :
    • Update tuples
    • Lecture 9 :
    • Join tuples
    • Lecture 10 :
    • Dictionaries
    • Lecture 11 :
    • Add Dictionary Items
    • Lecture 12 :
    • Remove Dictionary Items
    • Lecture 13 :
    • Nested Dictionaries
    • Lecture 14 :
    • Sets
    • Lecture 15 :
    • Add Set Items
    • Lecture 16 :
    • Remove Set Items
    • Lecture 17 :
    • Join Set Items
  • Section 28 : Python Conditional Statements 4 Lectures 00:04:41

    • Lecture 1 :
    • If Statement
    • Lecture 2 :
    • If-else Statement
    • Lecture 3 :
    • If-elif-else Statement
    • Lecture 4 :
    • If Statement Coding Exercise
  • Section 29 : Python control flow statements 6 Lectures 00:00:00

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Flow Charts
    • Lecture 2 :
    • While Loops Statement
    • Lecture 3 :
    • For Loops Statement
    • Lecture 4 :
    • The range() Function
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Nested Loops
    • Lecture 6 :
    • 2D List using Nested Loop
  • Section 30 : Python core games 2 Lectures 00:16:54

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Guessing Game
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Car Game
  • Section 31 : Python Functions 3 Lectures 00:14:10

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Creating a Function
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Calling a Function
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Function with Arguments
  • Section 32 : Python args, KW args for Data Science 2 Lectures 00:04:05

    • Lecture 1 :
    • args, Arbitary Arguments
    • Lecture 2 :
    • kwargs, Arbitary Keyword Arguments
  • Section 33 : Python Project 2 Lectures 00:03:29

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Project Overview
    • Lecture 2 :
    • ATM Realtime Project
  • Section 34 : Python Object oriented programming [OOPs] 5 Lectures 00:39:21

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Introduction to Class
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Create a Class
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Calling a Class Object
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Class Parameters - Objects
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Access Modifiers(theory)
  • Section 35 : Python Methods 7 Lectures 00:28:50

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Introduction to methods
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Create a method
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Method with parameters
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Method default parameter
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Multiple parameters
    • Lecture 6 :
    • Method return keyword
    • Lecture 7 :
    • Method Over loading
  • Section 36 : Python Class and Objects 3 Lectures 00:00:00

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Introduction to OOPs
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Classes and Objects
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Class Constructors
  • Section 37 : Python Inheritance and Polymorphism 5 Lectures 00:00:00

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Introduction
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Inheritance
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Polymorphism
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Assessment Test
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Solution for Assessment Test
  • Section 38 : Python Encapsulation and Abstraction 4 Lectures 00:06:43

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Introduction
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Access Modifiers (public, protected, private)
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Encapsulation
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Abstraction
  • Section 39 : Python OOPs Games 2 Lectures 00:13:15

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Dice Game
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Card and Deck Game Playing
  • Section 40 : Python Modules and Packages 5 Lectures 00:10:43

    • Lecture 1 :
    • PIP command installations
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Modules
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Built-in Modules
    • Lecture 4 :
    • Packages
    • Lecture 5 :
    • Reading CSV files
  • Section 41 : Python Error Handling 3 Lectures 00:21:33

    • Lecture 1 :
    • Errors – Types of Errors
    • Lecture 2 :
    • Try - Except Exceptions Handling
    • Lecture 3 :
    • Try-Except-Finally Blocks
  • How do i access the course after purchase?

    It's simple. When you sign up, you'll immediately have unlimited viewing of thousands of expert courses, paths to guide your learning, tools to measure your skills and hands-on resources like exercise files. There’s no limit on what you can learn and you can cancel at any time.
  • Are these video based online self-learning courses?

    Yes. All of the courses comes with online video based lectures created by certified instructors. Instructors have crafted these courses with a blend of high quality interactive videos, lectures, quizzes & real world projects to give you an indepth knowledge about the topic.
  • Can i play & pause the course as per my convenience?

    Yes absolutely & thats one of the advantage of self-paced courses. You can anytime pause or resume the course & come back & forth from one lecture to another lecture, play the videos mulitple times & so on.
  • How do i contact the instructor for any doubts or questions?

    Most of these courses have general questions & answers already covered within the course lectures. However, if you need any further help from the instructor, you can use the inbuilt Chat with Instructor option to send a message to an instructor & they will reply you within 24 hours. You can ask as many questions as you want.
  • Do i need a pc to access the course or can i do it on mobile & tablet as well?

    Brilliant question? Isn't it? You can access the courses on any device like PC, Mobile, Tablet & even on a smart tv. For mobile & a tablet you can download the Learnfly android or an iOS app. If mobile app is not available in your country, you can access the course directly by visting our website, its fully mobile friendly.
  • Do i get any certificate for the courses?

    Yes. Once you complete any course on our platform along with provided assessments by the instructor, you will be eligble to get certificate of course completion.
  • For how long can i access my course on the platform?

    You require an active subscription to access courses on our platform. If your subscription is active, you can access any course on our platform with no restrictions.
  • Is there any free trial?

    Currently, we do not offer any free trial.
  • Can i cancel anytime?

    Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. Your subscription will auto-renew until you cancel, but why would you want to?

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I am M. Sudha Sekhar, I am a Teacher and a Web Developer, and I am also passionate to teach every single real-time step that leads students as well as professionals to become successful with their carrier. What we know about web development and technologies: * Front-End web development: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Ajax and more... * Code-End web development: Asp.Net, C#, Python and PHP and more... * Back-End development: MS SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MariaDB and more... * Operating Systems / Servers: RHEL - LINUX, Ubuntu, CentOS, Windows and more... Start solving your challenge now | Enroll today and learn real-time practical courses. I am passionate about: * Teaching students the correct way. * Making things simple and easy to understand. * Offering the best audio and video qualities to my courses. * Real-time Examples who will understand real-time skills easily. * Most of the Lectures will be practical way demonstrations using real-world solutions
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