Hi :) I hope you'll let me share with you some wonderful teachings.
I hold a PhD in Mythology & Occultism from Bircham University. I've been researching different spiritual and religious teachings, ancient and modern texts and the occult for the past decade. I specialize in channeled teachings. These are teachings that were transmitted to people from beings on the other side!
I travelled the world in my quest to uncover hidden knowledge. I celebrated the new moon at a witch coven in New Zealand, I witnessed how a blind person begins to see in Mexico and helped ghosts complete their transition in Colombia. Research for me is not only about reading books, it's about people and culture.
I uncover hidden knowledge about different planes of existence, enhancing psychic abilities, manipulating energies, how to heal and perform miracles, what happens after death, how to initiate an out of body experience and even extraterrestrial teachings and philosophies.
These teachings are timeless and can help us find peace, tranquility and evolve spiritually. My goal in my courses is to help students find that inner peace and expand their consciousness.
I hope you'll let me become a friend and a guide to this crazy world of hidden and sacred knowledge.