Master Trainer in Leadership and Management (CMI Level 5 certified, UK), having extensive experience in Higher Education, Change Management, Administration, Research Project Management and Doctoral Guidance in Artificial Intelligence, Network Security, Cognitive Radio, Ethical Hacking with nearly 27 years of career success in building & enhancing quality of innovation and learning in University education and to be worthy of international accreditation. Key Figure in Indian Academia with her IEEE Senior Membership, CMI Level 5 certification in Leadership and Management and Social Connect.
Excellence in driving the development & implementation of objectives for curriculum and instructional evaluation; hiring quality faculty and generating National Grants, establishing Industrial and Foreign collaborations. Impeccable record of e-learning content development and delivering talks on network security, sensor network, DNA cryptography, information theory, organizing international workshops, seminars, conferences on futuristic skills related to Cyber Security and Network Security in collaboration with professional organizations as well as workshops on Pedagogy for Indian Engineering institutions.
Possess an innate flair of executing research projects in the field of Network Security, Artificial Neural Network, Blockchain, Cognitive Radio, IoT Security and Cryptography.