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Satyendra singh

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Instructor Biography

More than 25 years of experience in  industry and working in stock market as independent Investment Consultant, Trainer and Trader NCFM Certification: Technical Analysis Module Fundamental Analysis Module Options Strategies Module Investment analysis and Portfolio Management Post graduation diploma : Computer science and Airticifical intelligence Aside life time certifications on blockchain, cyber security and metaverse Certified blockchain expert Certified metaverse expert Certified cyber security expert NSIM Certification: NSE Certified Research Analyst     Achievement in financial Market NSE Academy Certified Market professional (NCMP)- Level 1 Award October 2019 I give coaching in following area and doing consultancy in financial market. 1. Technical Analysis 2. Fundamental Analysis 3. Options Strategies 4. Research Analysis 5. Intra Day and Swing Trading 6. Nifty and Bank Nifty Trading 7. Future Trading 8. Portfolio Management


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