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An eBook is a digital book, accessible on electronic devices, offering a portable and customizable reading experience. It blends traditional literature with technological convenience, allowing readers to access a vast library in a compact, digital format.

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  • What is an eBook?

    An eBook, short for electronic book, is a digital version of a printed book that can be read on electronic devices such as eReaders, tablets, smartphones, or computers. It encompasses various formats, including PDFs, EPUBs, and Kindle books.

  • Why choose eBooks over traditional books?

    eBooks offer portability, convenience, and accessibility, allowing readers to carry an entire library on a single device. They often provide features like adjustable text size, search functions, and the ability to highlight or annotate text.

  • How do you access and purchase eBooks?

    eBooks can be purchased and downloaded from online platforms such as Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Google Play Books, and others. Many libraries also offer digital lending services, allowing users to borrow eBooks.

  • What are the advantages of self-publishing eBooks?

    Self-publishing eBooks provides authors with greater control over their work, a faster publishing process, and the opportunity to reach a global audience. It eliminates the need for traditional publishing gatekeepers.

  • How has the rise of eBooks impacted the publishing industry?

    The popularity of eBooks has led to significant changes in the publishing landscape. It has facilitated the rise of self-publishing, altered distribution models, and influenced how authors and publishers market and sell books in the digital age.

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