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Browse Courses"Photoshop retouching elevates images by correcting flaws, enhancing details, and refining overall quality. Through skillful use of tools and techniques, imperfections are seamlessly removed, colors are balanced, and visuals are perfected for a polished and professional appearance."
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4.2 770895 Beginner Level
4.1 568818 All Level
4.1 346507 All Level
4.2 101006 All Level
4.6 100707 All Level
4.8 100555 All Level
4.8 99841 Beginner Level
4.9 99789 All Level
4.8 99677 All Level
Answer: Photoshop retouching involves using various tools and techniques to improve the appearance of images. It can include removing blemishes, adjusting skin tones, and enhancing overall image quality, resulting in a more polished and professional look.
Answer: Common tools for portrait retouching in Photoshop include the Healing Brush for blemish removal, the Dodge and Burn tools for enhancing highlights and shadows, and the Liquify tool for subtle adjustments to facial features.
Answer: The Background Eraser tool and the Pen tool are often used to remove backgrounds in Photoshop. The Background Eraser tool allows for quick removal of solid-colored backgrounds, while the Pen tool provides more precise control for intricate or complex backgrounds.
Answer: Global adjustments affect the entire image, such as changes to overall brightness, contrast, or color balance. Local adjustments target specific areas of an image, allowing for more detailed enhancements, such as retouching specific facial features or adjusting the exposure in a particular area.
Answer: Photoshop is commonly used for product retouching in e-commerce by improving product appearance. This may involve color correction, removing imperfections, enhancing product details, and creating a consistent background to make the product visually appealing and marketable.